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Does your husband think you don’t care about him anymore? Once the children come along, our lives get busier and our husbands often take a back seat.

Love and Marriage. S3 episode 15 00:21:35. When Todd and Julie prepare to make a 'day in the life' anniversary video, the cracks in their marriage begin to show, and they scramble to reinvent themselves as the 'perfect' couple. Share this video. Sign in with your TV provider to watch full episodes.

If you’ve been neglecting your husband lately–whether intentionally or unintentionally — here are some quick ways to show him you still care.

Love And Marriage Tv Show

Show Your Husband You Still Care

Carnival Love And Marriage Show

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1. Spend Intentional Time with Him – As moms, we’re busy. But if you have time for the PTA, getting your hair done and searching Pinterest but not your husband–something is wrong. Carve out time each and every day that you can spend focusing on your husband and nothing else.


2. Listen to Him – How will you know what your husband needs if you don’t listen to him? Listen to his day and try to pick up on things that make him happy, frustrated and tired. Then, you’ll be better equipped to really show him you care in the way that means the most to him!

3. Do Things His Way – As the mother, you usually *think* you know exactly what your children need. Your husband has ideas too. Instead of always doing things your way, consider your husband’s ideas as well. He might just have a new perspective or some good points you haven’t considered.

4. Greet Him at the Door – When your husband comes home after a long day of work, don’t just ignore him. Give him a quick kiss and a how was your day? at the very minimum.

5. Get Excited About Your Spouse’s Accomplishments – Did your husband get a raise, have a great golf game and even beat a hard level on Candy Crush? Get excited for him! This is a great opportunity to share in his joy and show him you care.

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6. Do His Most Dreaded Chore for Him – What chore does your husband hate doing, not have time to do, or always procrastinate on? Could you do it for him? For example, you could take his car in for a car wash or an oil change, or you could look up the information for an upcoming trip or event.

7. Buy Him Something He’s Been Eyeing “Just Because” – What could you buy for your husband that he’s been wanting or that would make his life easier? A new grill brush? New speakers? New t-shirts without armpit stains? Even a cheap $5 gift can mean the world to your husband if it shows a lot of thought.

8. Tell Him How Much You Love Him – Lastly, if you want your husband to know how much he means to you: Tell him! Tell him how handsome he is, how proud of him you are, how you admire his parenting skills… Bonus points if you hit on an area he’s been feeling especially insecure about lately.

Bonus: Take a look at The Marriage Masters program from The Dating Divas, designed to teach you how to master the art of marriage! This is a complete 26-Week marriage coaching program delivered right to your inbox every week with new instructions, activities, printables, and ideas to try.

Teacher turned work-at-home mom, Brittany loves using her words to help people improve their faith, marriage and parenting. And with one awesome husband and two very rambunctious little boys, she’s always got a lot to say! In addition to writing for Love and Marriage, she also owns her own site, Equipping Godly Women, where she regularly shares helpful tips, tricks and encouragement to help women be the amazing women God created them to be.

It has been found that people who have no hobbies or interests will fall in love more frequently and faster and People who are out of school and working in a boring job will fall in love more frequently and faster. Materialistic Needs: Primary Needs (Food, Water, Shelter, Transportation)-Primary needs are the minimal needs for survival and happiness. People who are unable to satisfy their primary needs will usually find someone to satisfy these needs. Some research findings in this regard are People in poor countries marry younger and People who do not have cars will be attracted to those who have cars Sexual Needs – This need in people is usually very strong. Sex produces biochemical reactions releasing endorphins and other chemicals that make you feel good. Close intimate contact also relieves stress. Therefore, sex can also be used to fulfill entertainment and safety needs. If this need is properly satisfied then the break up rate is lower whereas impotence and infertility causes stress in a relationship. Materialistic Desires - People have varying materialistic desires. Some people are able to be content with the simple things in life. Others could only be happy if they have the finer things in life. These people tend to find these in their lovers. Findings show that rich and powerful people are more attractive to materialistic people than non-materialistic people and the fact that